Wanted beach-ready, hair-free skin? Went for laser hair removal treatment?


Wanted beach-ready, hair-free skin? Went for laser hair removal treatment?
Wanted beach-ready, hair-free skin? Went for laser hair removal treatment?

Laser hair removal is a popular option for people who are tired of waxing, tweezing, or shaving unwanted body hair. Following a simple after-care process, including protecting the skin and choosing the right products, will help ensure that the treated area heals quickly and completely.

Apply ice or cold packs to numb the treated area. After laser hair removal, some people may feel some minor discomfort like a mild sunburn. The area might also be slightly swollen or red. Ice and cold packs are an easy way to ease out the pain.

  • Always wrap the ice or cold pack in a towel before using it; direct application of the pack on the skin may cause more irritation.

  • Ice the treated area for up to 10 minutes at least 3 times a day until the discomfort is gone.

Try aloe vera to subdue any redness or swelling. Aloe vera helps in reducing skin discomfort and eases redness and swelling. Make sure to keep the aloe vera gel refrigerated for the best results.

Use over-the-counter painkillers if the ice packs and aloe vera aren’t effective. Most people get relief by using ice packs and aloe vera but if the pain persists, over-the-counter (OTC) painkillers can be taken

  • Use the OTC painkillers only as directed. You should only have to take painkillers for about a day after the laser treatment.

Protect the treated area from sunlight. The sunlight will irritate the treated area and possibly make the discomfort and redness worse. The easiest way to prevent this is to not expose the treated area to direct sunlight and using a SPF 30 or above.

Avoid exposing the skin to heat sources. Laser treatment works by using heat to destroy the hair follicles; exposing the treated area to additional heat can increase the skin irritation. Hot water, saunas, and steam rooms should all be avoided for a minimum of 48 hours after the treatment

Avoid strenuous exercise for at least 48 hours after treatment. Raising the body's temperature through exercise can also irritate the treated area. Wait at least 48 hours before strenuously exercising.

If blisters occur, do not puncture. If the skin is broken, apply an antibiotic ointment until healed.

Avoid any additional laser treatments or chemical procedures on the treated area for at least 2 
weeks post-treatment or until healing has occurred.

To achieve the best results, complete the full treatment schedule at the intervals recommended 
by your technician.

Exfoliate treated areas to minimize the risk of ingrown hairs.

Planning for Laser hair removal treatment? Visit Skin Decor today where we use the most effective and painless Diode Laser in the world to give you smooth hair-free skin :)

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